The Max Pulse-State of the art cardiovascular screening device


Cardiovascular & Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Screening Device

The Max Pulse is a simple, user-friendly, non-invasive, FDA Class II medical screening device. The device provides measurements using Photoelectric Plethysmography, Accelerated Plethysmography, and other technologies to access overall cardiovascular and ANS wellness.

Photoelectric Plethysmography (PTG)

PTG is a non-invasive technique for measuring the amount of blood flow present or passing through, an organ or other part of the body.

Accelerated Plethysmography (APG)

Using a finger clip, the blood’s pulsewave is followed from the time it leaves the heart and travels through the blood vessels down to the finger. The pulsewave is a snapshot into the cardiovascular system and evaluates arterial elasticity (arterial stiffness), which is related to atherosclerosis. Arterial stiffness is a major cardiovascular risk factor.

There is strong scientific evidence supporting the use of plethysmography as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for early warning signs of cardiovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease (including primary and secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon).